Kia ora! Welcome to EIT's Covid-19 Return To Campus During Alert Level 2 Induction Video.
All staff returning to work in alert level 2 are required to watch this video and acknowledge an understanding of what is required to return to campus at alert level 2.
Once you have watched the video click the save button. This will send confirmation to your email (if provided) and EIT's Health and Safety section for their records. By clicking 'save' you are acknowledging that you have a clear understanding of what is required for alert level 2 return to work.
Important! Fleet Vehicles Update – staff and students can travel in our vehicles so long as contact tracing is in place and strict hygiene is maintained. All touch surfaces must be wiped down after users with products provided in vehicles. There is now no restriction on numbers so long as there is good ventilation in the vehicle and people do not travel if they are sick. This is in accordance with Ministry of Education guidance to schools. This is effective as of Friday 29 May 2020.